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Siglent SHA851A Handheld Spectrum And Vector Network Analyzer

Brand: Siglent

Model No: SHA851A

Order Code: SHA851A

Range: 9kHz ~ 3.6GHz

Warranty: 1 Year

Stock Status : 2 - 4 Weeks

Original price 0 AED
Original price 18,890.00 AED - Original price 18,890.00 AED
Original price
Current price Price : 18,890.00 AED (Including VAT)
18,890.00 AED - 18,890.00 AED
Current price Price : 18,890.00 AED (Including VAT)

The Siglent SHA851A, a handheld portable spectrum analyzer and cable-and-antenna analyzer, is a powerful and flexible tool for those field and outdoor RF applications. Including communication engineering, telecom operation and maintenance, radio management, factory production, education and teaching, and many other fields. With a frequency range of up to 3.6GHz, the analyzer delivers reliable automatic measurements and multiple modes of operation. A spectrum analyzer, including a built-in amplifier and independent signal source, fast scanning speed, and high sensitivity, can achieve broadcast monitoring, channel power scanning, wireless interference location, power monitoring, electromagnetic compatibility, and other functions. A cable and antenna tester including built-in DC voltage bias, with a 1-path-2-port vector network analysis function, can measure TDR, VSWR, port matching debugging, insertion loss measurement, tower amplifier debugging, cable fault location, Smith chart, etc.

 Specifications are valid under the following conditions: The instrument is within the calibration period, has been stored between 0 and 50°C for at least 2 hours prior to use, and has been powered on and warmed up for at least 60 minutes.
 The specifications include the measurement uncertainty unless otherwise noted. All products are guaranteed to meet published specifications when operating at room temperature (approximately 25°C) unless otherwise noted. 
 Typical: Performance deemed typical implies that 80 percent of the measurement results will meet the typical published performance with a 95th percentile confidence level at room temperature (approximately 25°C). Typical performance is not warranted and does not include measurement uncertainty.
 Nominal: The expected performance or design attribute.


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